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Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Linear Park Surfacing: updated

Works to Linear Park will commence on 5th January, with the route split into five sections as follows:
  1. Devonshire Tunnel Portal – Hiscocks Drive Bridge.
    10-23rd January, access from Bloomfield Road open space.
  2. Hiscocks Drive Bridge – Monksdale Road.
    24th January - 6th February, access from Monksdale Road.
  3. Monksdale Road – St Kildas Road.
    7th - 20th February, access from Monksdale Road (and no access from St Kildas Road).
  4. St Kildas Road – Millmead Road.
    21st February - 6th March, access from Millmead Road (and again, no access from St Kilda's Road).
  5. Millmead Road – Bellots Road Bridge.
    7th - 20th March, access from Millmead Road, no access from Bellotts Road.
Further details of closures will be given during the works. When works commence, please revisit the blog for updates and images.

Here's a link to Sustrans Two Tunnels Route's pages, with information on the impending work.